C Family || Omaha, Nebraska Family Photographer

Some of the best moments in my career are when I receive random messages from people looking for photographers. Carolyn was one of those moments. She made me feel like a million bucks with her compliments about my photography and how kind she was! She noticed that all of my shoots are in Utah now, even though she google searched Omaha Photographers, but thought she would reach out anyway. It was SO WEIRD because I had another inquiry from Omaha just a couple days before, so I felt like it was a sign to get my travel dates scheduled and make sure to get this family in!I really enjoyed this session because we ended up doing the full hour session. 95% of my sessions are the 30 minute ones because they work so well with little kids, but these kids were old enough to be able to go to the multiple locations and keep up good smiles for the full hour. I absolutely love the locations that Carolyn found to fit her vision, and the variety we were able to get for this session was amazing! Her clothing choices really played into the locations and made everything feel really cohesive and thought out. These kids were a dream to work with too! They were all happy to be there doing pictures, and had such a cooperative attitude! They had their own great ideas and really added to how fun the session was. I'm so grateful that I was able to get out to Omaha and meet this darling family!!Logan Utah Photographer_6362.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6366.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6371.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6365.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6374.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6375.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6364.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6373.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6372.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6368.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6378.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6377.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6379.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6367.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6376.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6363.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6380.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6381.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6382.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6384.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6386.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6388.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6389.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6390.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6391.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6392.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6393.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6394.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6395.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6396.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6383.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6397.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6398.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6387.jpgLogan Utah Photographer_6385.jpgSaveSave


Miles || Logan, Utah Child Photographer || Capturing Toddlers


T Family || Logan, Utah Family Photographer